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This book, by one of the pioneers of the contemporary women's rights movement in India, delves deeply into legislation and law enactment to explore the reasons why laws enacted for the purpose of enforcing women's rights in India end up producing such dismal results. The compilation also reviews the author's own role in the women's movement and contains a critical evaluation of feminist interventions for legal reform. A running theme in this book is the need to adopt a culturally sensitive approach to social reform that respects the aspirations and cherished values of those in whose lives we wish to introduce changes. This book provides some practical solutions in the form of alternative strategies that have produced results in combating anti-women practices. The tone of the collection is partly that of a political autobiography. While the articles offer a sharp critique of some of the strategies adopted by leading sections of the women's movements in India, Kishwar is forthright in admitting to the mistakes she herself has made and how she has had to rethink and rework her own strategies over the years.

Zealous Reformers, Deadly Laws: Battling Stereotypes

SKU: 044866
  • ISBN

  • Authors

    Kishwar, Madhu Purnima
  • Extent

  • Format

  • Year

  • Publisher

    Sage Publication India

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