
SELECT BOOKS is an established book publisher, distributor, library supplier, and online bookstore. Our much-loved retail bookstore, originally, and for many years, at Tanglin Shopping Centre, and later at Armenian Street, was closed in 2014.
Select Books was set up in 1976. Over the years, we have built up a comprehensive and in-depth collection of over 30,000 books and journals relating to the Asia region, and are an internationally recognised Asian book specialist.
We are a long-time supplier to local and overseas universities, libraries, museums and academic institutions, including the Academia Sinica, British Library, Harvard University, National Library Board of Singapore, National University of Singapore, School of Oriental and African Studies and the US Library of Congress. Select Books also works closely with non-governmental organisations as well as government departments and organisations of various countries in meeting their research needs in Asia.
Our extensive database of Asian titles allows us to provide relevant and precise information on titles that will meet research requirements. If you have any Asian-related research needs, please contact us, and we shall be pleased to provide a customised catalogue focusing on your specific area of interest.
Select Books is a leading book distributor in Singapore. We represent a number of Singapore-based as well as overseas publishers, and supply their books to all the major bookstores as well as independent bookstores in Singapore, including Books Kinokuniya, Times, Woods in the Books and Books Actually.
Select Books is an active publisher of quality books on Asia. We also co-publish works with a number of institutions and organizations.
We have a new-titles list called Selections, available via e-mail. If you would like to receive our Selections via e-mail, please get in touch with us at info@selectbooks.com.sg.
All of us here in Select Books love books and we share a common vision - to make available a wide variety of publications on Asia to a wider audience. We also seek to actively promote books written by Asians.
To our many friends who have supported and encouraged us over the years, we say "Thank you." You have been very special, and you enabled us to keep going. To our new customers, we say "Welcome to the world of Select."