The main focus of this book is the 11th century, Sdok Kok Thom temple and its inscribed monument, first seen by the author in 1979 when the Khmer temple was sheltering refugees at the Cambodia-Thailand border. The often-obscure history of the area and of Khmer temples and their many vicissitudes is tracked and discussed. The author's revisit to the Sdok Kok Thom stone now in the Depository of the National Museum of Thailand is described. The final chapter is a 2005 translation of the 1000-year inscription on Khmer events and history. With glossary, black-and-white photographs, and reading list.
Stories in Stone: The Sdok Kok Thom Inscription & the Enigma of Khmer History
SKU: 050110
Burgess, JohnExtent
River Books