In the two decades since its original publication, Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline has become a classic in the fields of anthropology, labour, gender and globalisation studies. Based on intensive fieldwork, the book captures a moment of profound transformation for rural Muslim women even as their labour helped launch Malaysia's rise as a tiger economy. Aihwa Ong's analysis of the disruptions, conflicts, and ambivalences that roiled the lives of working women has inspired later generations of feminist ethnographers in their study of power, resistance, religious upheavals, and subject formation in the industrial periphery. With a critical introduction by anthropologist Carla Freeman, this new edition upholds an exemplary model of anthropological inquiry into cultural modes of resistance to the ideology, discipline, and workings of global capitalism.
Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline: Factory Women in Malaysia
Ong, Aihwa; Carla FreemanExtent
Suny Press (Cornell University)