This volume describes, both in photos and in text, the political turmoil and violent street protests that took place during the first elected administration in Thailand after the 2006/2007 coup period, its government led by the PPP (People Power Party) a place holder party of the TRT (Thai Rak Thai) which had been ousted by the military coup. The anti-government and nationalist-royalist PAD (People's Alliance for Democracy) entered Government House, the seat of Thailand's cabinet, and occupied it for months, before its protests culminated in the invasion of Bangkok's airports, the dissolution of the PPP and the overthrow of the government by forces seen as sympathetic to the PAD. In the course of the year the police, the PAD and their opponents - the Red shirts, an alliance of government supporters and pro-democracy groups - clashed on several occasions. Incidents involving at times shocking violence laid bare Thailand's long neglected social, political and regional divisions and left it a deeply unstable nation. Nick Nostitz covers this significant period of Thai history from the centre of events. His articles on which this book is based caused considerable controversy when first published.
Red vs. Yellow - Volume 1: Thailand's Crisis of Identity
SKU: 047922
Nostitz, NickExtent
White Lotus