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Paradise Redefined: Transnational Chinese Students and the Quest for Flexible Citizenship in the Developed World. In Paradise Redefined, Fong tracks the experiences of many in her initial cohort of Chinese only-children-now college-age-as they study abroad in Australia, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, North America, and Singapore. While earning a prestigious college education in China is the main path to elite status, study abroad provides an alternative channel by offering a particularly flexible "developed world" citizenship. This flexible citizenship promises the potential for greater happiness and freedom afforded by transnational mobility, but also brings with it unexpected suffering, ambivalence, and disappointment. Paradise Redefined offers insights into China's globalization by examining the expectations and experiences that affect how various Chinese students make decisions about studying abroad, staying abroad, immigration, and returning home. With bibliography and index.

Paradise Redefined

SKU: 052910
  • ISBN

  • Authors

    Fong, Vanessa L.
  • Extent

  • Format

  • Year

  • Publisher

    Stanford University Press

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