Oasis Volume 1 invites the reader to the birthplace of art: 25 unique studios in which the best of Hong Kong's painting, sculpture, photography, architecture, installation and mixed-media work take shape. The spaces range from luxurious homes to starkly-lit workshops in industrial buildings, and each offers fascinating insight into the psyches of the artists who inhabit them. Oasis - Artists' Studios in Hong Kong welcomes readers into the day-to-day world of the artist. In spontaneous face-to-face interviews, artists describe how their studios have stimulated their creativity, how their works relate to their neighbourhoods, and how these creations can help shape our perspectives in ways both subtle and obvious. Lavishly illustrated with professional photographs that are works of art in themselves, Oasis - Artists' Studios in Hong Kong includes detailed descriptions of each artist's professional life, with lists of their exhibitions, awards and activities within the world of art, as well as a unique studio location map.
Oasis Artists' Studios in Hong Kong
Tang Ying-chi (ed.)Extent
Asia One