The Cry of the Devil Bird: Incidents in the Life of a Surgeon, Working in Ceylon Sri Lanka from 1965 to 2005. This is a sequel to the hugely successful Remembered Vignettes. In it, Dr. Veerasingam traces his life as a surgeon in the Health Service in Sri Lanka, from a country doctor posted in remote and rural parts of Sri Lanka, and culminating as Consultant Surgeon in Colombo. Throughout his career, he served the "ordinary" people of his country, working wherever the Department of Health elected to despatch him. Stories of these people seen through the eyes of a very dedicated, caring, perceptive human beings form the core of this book. Travel with him on this fascinating journey and re-live the difficult working conditions and the necessity to improvise on the job.
The Cry of the Devil Bird
Veerasingam, Philip G.Extent
Perera Hussein Publishing House