These 37 papers were originally given at the 2003 conference at the University Sri Venkateswara, Andhra Pradesh. Part one addresses urban processes using the experiences of the city of Tirupati. In part two, papers explore many aspects of gender problems and roles including women and housing, women as councillors in Bellary, and domestic violence. Part three, which also uses much case material has papers on: general problems including environmental pollution, transport and health education strategies; slums, including resettlement issues; urban anomie including crime, violence and suicide; and street children, child workers and related issues. Part four deals with urban development and community involvement. Rich in case material the volume will be useful for tertiary students and also urban planners and policy makers.
Facets of Urban Society in India: Processes, Problems and Development
Venkateswarlu, D. et al.Extent
Serials Publications