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Constituting Unity and Difference: Vernacular Architecture in a Minangkabau Village. Despite its fame, Minangkabau architecture has received remarkably little scholarly attention. What is known about the building tradition does not go beyond the romanticized popular image (of high-rising roof spires, floor elevations, and colourful woodcarvings) promoted by the government, the tourist industry and the media. This book refines, supplements and revises this popular image. Focusing on the construction, design, and spatial use of vernacular houses in one region of West Sumatra, and taking into account historical developments and geographical variation, the author explores how vernacular Minangkabau houses are instrumental in the constitution, perpetuation and manipulation of the socio-political relationships and identities.

Constituting Unity and Difference

SKU: 035884
  • ISBN

  • Authors

    Vellinga, Marcel
  • Extent

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  • Year

  • Publisher

    Kitlv Press

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