Rogue Raider: The Tale Of Captain Lauterbach And The Singapore Mutiny. Although Captain Julius Lauterbach and the SMS Emden did indeed exist, this book is a novel. Lauterbach was an officer in the German Navy and in charge of the loot taken by the notable Emden in its highly successful 1914-15 raids on Allied shipping in the Far East. Taken prisoner by the British he escaped from Tanglin Barracks during the 1915 "Sepoy Mutiny" which more or less paralysed the colony of Singapore. The tale of a raunchy swashbuckler offers credible constructions and insights that shed light on the Southeast Asian society and personalities of the period.
Rogue Raider: The Tale of Captain Lauterbach and the Singapore Mutiny
Barley, NigelExtent
Monsoon Books