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This volume presents some 60 monochrome photo portraits from the 2007 exhibition of examples from the London Lafayette Studio lent by the Victoria and Albert Museum to the Islamic Arts Museum of Malaysia. The quality of the portraiture is remarkable, and it illustrates attitudes, costume and personalities of many of the dignitaries and celebrities of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, all of whom have some connection with Asia. (Incidentally, the photo plates where serendipitously saved from a rubbish dump in 1968!).

Neither East Nor West - The Lafayette Collection: Asia in the Age of Monochrome

SKU: 041918
  • ISBN

  • Authors

    De Guise, Lucien; Amin Jaffer (ed.)
  • Extent

  • Format

  • Year

  • Publisher

    Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia

* Please contact us if you would like to purchase multiple copies of the same title.