The Japanese family is at a crossroads of demographic change and altered cultural values. While the number of children has been shrinking and that of senior citizens rising, attitudes about rights and responsibilities within the family have changed significantly. The realities of life in postmodern society have shaped both the imagined family of popular culture and the lived experience of Japanese family members. Imagined Families, Lived Families takes an interdisciplinary approach toward these dramatic changes by looking at the Japanese family from a variety of perspectives, including media studies, anthropology, sociology, literature, and popular culture. The contributors look at representations of family in manga and anime, outsider families and families that must contend with state prosecution of political activists, the stereotype of the absolute Japanese father, and old age and end-of-life decisions in a rapidly aging society with changing family configurations.
Imagined Families, Lived Families: Culture and Kinhip in Contemporary Japan
Akiko Hashimoto; John W. Traphagan (eds.)Extent
State University of New York Press