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Born in 1924, Nguy��n-D��nh-Ho�� grew up in Hanoi never imagining the war that would ultimately divide his country and throw the region into chaos. As he grew into manhood, he witnessed Vietnam gain its independence in 1945, and like many men of his age he was swept up with the revolutionary mood that engulfed the entire country. Eager to do his part for the newly emerging Vietnam, he applied for and received a scholarship to Union College in Schenectady, New York. This resulted in an English degree and a teaching position at the University of Saigon. Since childhood, the author has been keenly observant of everyday life, particularly the interactions between himself, his family and their community. His precise account of midcentury Vietnam provides a detailed picture of a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage, and serves as a poignant reminder of the devastating effects of the war in Vietnam on its people. After emigrating to the United States in 1965, the late Nguy��n-D��nh-Ho�� was director of ther for Vietnamese Studies at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. He lived in San Francisco.

From the City Inside the Red River

SKU: 034171
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    Nguyen Dinh-Hoa
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    Mcfarland & Company

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