From Syonan to Fuji-go: The Story of the Catholic Settlement of Bahau in WWII Malaya. During the Japanese Occupation in World War II, some 3,000 men, women and children left Singapore to form a Catholic settlement in the jungles of Malaya, near the town of Bahau. Based on extensive interviews and access to private manuscripts, this book provides a vivid account of life in Bahau, and presents new insights into those who were there, why they went, and the lasting legacy of Bahau on their lives. It is also a moving account of the author's journey of discovery about her mother, who was interned at Bahau. Fitting memory to those who died, honourable recognition of those who survived, and an important resource for future generations, this is essential reading for those who seek an understanding of an important part of Singapore's history.
From Syonan to Fuji-go
Hodgkins, FionaExtent
Select Publishing