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A Leisurely Pursuit: Splendid Hardwood Antiquities from the Liang Yi Collection. The phenomenon of antique hardwood furniture streaming into Hong Kong during the late 80��s and early 90��s will long be cherished as the ��Golden Years�� for collecting Chinese furniture. Reduced from a trickle to intermittent drops, the source at the turn of the millennium is all but dry. Still, many treasures gathered away in private hands have yet to be seen, and with each unveiling, knowledge is increased and perspectives broadened. Such is the Liang Yi Collection, which expands into the board, untrammeled sphere beyond that narrowly associated with plain, undecorated ��Ming-style�� furnishings. Since ancient times, Chinese artisans have drawn upon a rich palette of decorative traditions with stylistic characteristics ranging from the vigorous to the delicate, and from the severe to the ornate. It is variegated splendor that marks the Liang Yi Collection, which being primarily fashioned from two distinguished and noble hardw zitan and huanghuali - also reflects unity and constraint. This volume is a richly illustrated and well-documented catalogue featuring a private Hong Kong collection. The one hundred twenty-two catalogued objects include Ming and Qing period huanghuali and zitan furniture, as well an interesting variety of hardwood scholars objects.

A Leisurely Pursuit

SKU: 031461
$250.00 Regular Price
$200.00Sale Price
  • ISBN

  • Authors

    Evarts, Curtis
  • Extent

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  • Year

  • Publisher

    United Sky Resources Limited

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